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SYC Opening Day
If you are a member, please log in to access additional, potentially lower registration fee options.
About this event
There are three options for moorage: We need to limit 4 - 5 boats on Dock Zero, 15 boats on the Log Boom and 9 boats for rafting with our Queen City YC host boat: PC Don & Teresa Wills’ “It’s All Good”. Please complete the EYC Opening Day Registration for the option you choose.
2023 QCYC Opening Day Schedule
If you choose the log boom option, you must also complete the 2023 Log Boom Application and submit $10 per Beam foot donation to the U of W Athletics prior to April 15th or, add another $50 Late Fee if after.
2023 Log Boom Application
This year, the Edmonds Yacht Club is going to add another alternative for Seattle Yacht Club’s Opening Day weekend. Steve Goedde is looking for about 4 to 5 boats to med-tie as a group on Dock Zero at Seattle Yacht club. He already has 2 boats committed and is looking for 2 to 3 more. If you are interested, contact Steve via email at by 03/10 so that he can make a group reservation.
SYC Opening Day Info
All options will give you access to most activities by dinghy. However, to view the Opening Day Parade from your boat, the Log Boom is the best option.
Thanks to Larry Martin, Log Boom Cruise Captain, Steve Goedde Dock Zero Cruise Captain and PC Don Wills, Cruise Captain at Queen City!
Seattle/Queen City Yacht Club(s)
Event Contact(s)
Brian M Merritt, V/C
Steve Goedde
Larry Martin
Donald K Wills II, P/C
Registration Info
Registration is required
Invalid Quantity
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